Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Stem Cell Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Stem Cell Research - Essay Example This is precisely what makes them so promising: the ability and the developing technology to regenerate much-needed body parts. What makes stem cell research so problematic however is the fact that embryonic stem cells, those that come from human fetal tissue, are the best source of stem cells. More significantly, the embryo is destroyed when stem cells are harvested. On the other hand, there are good arguments in favor of stem cell research. Primary is the undeniable need for human organs, a need that is not met by simply relying on organ donation. Other sources for organs are needed. Animal-to-human transplants are highly problematic both scientifically and ethically, and hence cannot be the preferred solution. The shortage for human organs makes underhanded organ sales in the black market profitable and widespread. Further, there are patients who are suffering from neurological conditions that can be helped greatly by regenerative technology. If the above can be addressed using do nated fetal tissue, then there is a strong argument in favor of stem cell research because of the potential for promoting the greatest good for the greatest number. It should be noted however, that there are also strong moral reasons for arguing against stem cell research. The primary reason is the seeming devaluation of human life as indicated by the term â€Å"harvest†, in itself a loaded term, signifying an act that turns a human embryo into a commodity. Second, there is a significant degree of moral reprehensibility in the act of manipulating an entity that is already a potential human being, treating it as a means to achieve other ends. These two premises harp on the notion of intrinsic value, that certain acts have inherent moral worth, as opposed to the aforementioned argument in favor of stem cell research that focuses on the projected beneficial

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