Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Gun Violence Problems And Solutions - 1215 Words

Caitlyn Curran Mrs.Gallos English 3 Honors 2 May 2016 Gun Violence The Problems and Solutions Gun violence has been around for centuries and there have been many mass shootings, homicides and suicides. There is always the argument on â€Å"do guns kill people† or â€Å"do people kill people†? What people really need to be looking at is the problem which is people stocking up on guns and not knowing how to properly handle them and all the mass shootings that are taking place. As a country, people need to be coming up with solutions instead of doing nothing. Gun violence has been on the rise for many years and there seems to be no solution. People feel more protected with guns in their home, but actually this increases their risk to be in harm’s way of being hurt or killed because of the gun. The majority of gun ownership is owned by civilians â€Å"75 percent of the world’s 875 million guns are civilian controlled†(Gun Violence). People also feel more protected when they carry a gun on their person but this also increases their risk of being harmed â€Å"Philadelphia study found that the odds of an assault victim being shot were 4.5 times greater if he carried a gun and that his odds of being killed were 4.2 times greater when armed†(Gun Violence). If people knew that it increases their risk of being killed then not very many people will carry a gun around. Mass shootings have been occurring more and more over the past few years †steadily declined between 1994 and 2007, rising betweenShow MoreRelatedWha t We Don t Know About Guns1317 Words   |  6 PagesAcademic Summary: In the article, â€Å"What We Don’t Know About Guns,† by Ted Alcorn discusses the common denominator in most gun related accidents. Last year at least 278 children accidently fired a gun and injured or killed someone. We found that the main problem for this is irresponsible gun storage. According to surveys about 15% of gun owning households with children store their guns unlocked and loaded. It is tracked that about two-thirds of all the unintentional child shootings came from the thoseRead MoreI.(Grabber) Guns Kill About 33.000 People Per Year In The1208 Words   |  5 PagesI. (grabber) Guns kill about 33.000 people per year in the United States, and 22,000 deaths are suicides while 11,000 are homicides. Guns also cause indiscriminate murders, mass shootings and other gun deaths related to America. While the Congress has imposed regulations to counter assault weapons, they have not properly prohibited individuals from getting guns. It remains clearly that despite th e efforts to close the loopholes of gun control, handguns still are highly responsible for most killingsRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Violence953 Words   |  4 Pages Gun Violence Guns have been is society for centuries. They have been used for hunting, war, and even safety. However, in the past several years they have begun to take the lives of many innocent victims, often young children. In response to the killings in Newtown, Conn., it has been noted, â€Å"If this were a country, the number of children killed by gun violence would violate international law.† (Browne-Marshall) F.B.I. data shows in 2011,Read MoreArgumentative Essay On Gun Control1321 Words   |  6 Pagesof their beloved ones. Politicians start debating on gun policy, again, arriving at no solution. This has been America’s reality for the past decades. The problem in which lobbyists and a dominant minority stop any attempt to find a solution. Dan Gross, as president of the Brady Campaign, is seeking to promote sensible gun control in the United States. Mr. Gross advocates for gun control and for laws that put a stop to the gun violence problem (Ted Talk). 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The solutions these authors have proposed just do not solve this issue in the right wayRead MoreThe Problem Of The Gun Violence Problem1577 Words   |  7 PagesThe Gun Violence Problem There have been 46 school shootings so far this year, with an average of about one a week. This is an absolutely mind blowing statistic., Nno other countries in the world have such a major problem. (Carissimo). I aimed to pursue this broad problem, and to discover why the U.S. has such a problem with mass shootings. and I wondered if there a way to fix this permeating issue or will it continue to eat away at America. How many more lives will be lost until, we as a countryRead MoreArgumentative Essay On Gun Violence759 Words   |  4 Pages Upon reading the article, â€Å"What If We Treated Gun Violence Like A Public Health Crisis?† and watching the news every now and then, there are many major tragedies surrounding around us. It is absolutely scary, and only seems to be getting worse. The article starts off with the statement that, â€Å"More than 30,000 people a year are killed by gun violence,† making it clear just how serious the situation pertaining gun violence is (Kodjak, 2017, p. 1). Yet, this statistic does not even take into considerationRead MoreEssay on Gun Violence: Should We or Shouldnt We1207 Words   |  5 PagesGun Violence: Should We or Shouldn’t We? The issue of gun control has been a very important topic following the Sandy Hook Elementary School and Aurora, Colorado movie theater shootings just last year. We all feel compassionate for the families of these Americans whose lives were taken in the most horrifying way. We are all too familiar with the saying â€Å"guns don’t kill people, people kill people,† my goal is to find some validity to this statement. The most prevalent question is whether the problem

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