Wednesday, December 25, 2019

All About Sat Essay Samples Khan Academy

All About Sat Essay Samples Khan Academy Analyze your findings after you have gathered information, you can begin to analyze that which you have found. My report wasn't up-to-date, I will need to revise it tomorrow. Sample answers with commentary is going to be given in a subsequent post. Factual evidence may also be in the shape of non-numerical info. How to receive a good score The most significant thing to keep in mind while attempting an SAT essay is to follow along with the directions. Colleges which don't require the SAT Essay fall into the consider and don't consider camps. First of all, the aim of the SAT is to differentiate superior students from worse students. Our five SAT essay ideas to help you make a great SAT writing score. What Everybody Dislikes About Sat Essay Samples Khan Academy and Why Miss more questions, and you are going to be dropped a level. The very first thing which you will notice about Khan Academy is how intuitive it's to use, especially in comparison to most other on-line prep programs. Altering the perception of on-line learning can't be carried out by one company. Khan claims that any students who wish to eliminate their data from his system would need to get in touch with his organization directly. Lies You've Been Told About Sat Essay Samples Khan Academy In your response, you will need to analyze the argument produced by the author. Instead, whilst reading and developing a rough outline, you should concentrate on restating the principal point that the writer is arguing and analyzing how that point is made. You need to have three principal points you wish to highlight, each being a particular method that the author uses to argue their point. You may feel as if you will need to get started writing as fast as possible, but ensure that you fully grasp the author's argument thoroughly before beginning. Sat Essay Samples Khan Academy Options The Essay task is going to be the very same in every test. The maj ority of the outline you create should concentrate on the body paragraphs of your essay. An essay may have a lot of intentions, but the fundamental structure of all sort of essays will be same. If you're striving to understand how to compose a superb essay, you are. The introductory portion of the essay should have a strong thesis statement that outlines the principal suggestions and arguments of your essay. The conclusion ought to be encapsulating the entire essay into one paragraph stating the thesis statement once more. Plan to devote some time on this portion of your essay, since the introduction will be the main portion of your paper. There are factual specifics of the idea set in the essay. The Foolproof Sat Essay Samples Khan Academy Strategy You are going to want to map out just how you would like your work to flow, to make sure that it is logical. The principal point is, you don't need to wait until you find the prompt to come up with an arsenal of sorts of argument-building techniques you may use to back up your points. You should choose the side you know about the most. In a live test, but the student might well miss it as the increased context or time pressure proves distracting. Additional the essay format has changed also . So you would like to understand how to beat the SAT Essay. If you wish to practice the new SAT essay, very good news! Fortunately, when it comes to structure, an SAT essay is comparable to any persuasive or analytical essay you could be requested to write in class. Following are a few of the suggested sociology essay topic for those students that are unable to pick a great topic for their assignment. Structure of an essay An effective college essay ought to have a very clear structure of the entire content. Within this portion of the essay, the students have to reiterate the most important subject of the essay. They just have to focus on the main theme of the essay and then decide which opening line to be used for the essay. As a result, if you don't make a critical grammar mistake, you don't need to be concerned too much about your grammar. Most men and women need a seasoned golfer to watch their swing closely and offer some strategies and tweaks. In the event the students are confronting any issue with the grammar rules, then they ought to get a grammar guide or try some part-time on-line grammar classes. They should avoid committing spelling errors. The practice will enhance your essay writing skills, and you're going to find an op portunity to see. Yes, colleges are supplied with student essays. So, the students may seek out support from these types of tools to enhance their writing skills. Most students won't be in a position to teach themselves strategies from just 1 example.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Gun Violence Problems And Solutions - 1215 Words

Caitlyn Curran Mrs.Gallos English 3 Honors 2 May 2016 Gun Violence The Problems and Solutions Gun violence has been around for centuries and there have been many mass shootings, homicides and suicides. There is always the argument on â€Å"do guns kill people† or â€Å"do people kill people†? What people really need to be looking at is the problem which is people stocking up on guns and not knowing how to properly handle them and all the mass shootings that are taking place. As a country, people need to be coming up with solutions instead of doing nothing. Gun violence has been on the rise for many years and there seems to be no solution. People feel more protected with guns in their home, but actually this increases their risk to be in harm’s way of being hurt or killed because of the gun. The majority of gun ownership is owned by civilians â€Å"75 percent of the world’s 875 million guns are civilian controlled†(Gun Violence). People also feel more protected when they carry a gun on their person but this also increases their risk of being harmed â€Å"Philadelphia study found that the odds of an assault victim being shot were 4.5 times greater if he carried a gun and that his odds of being killed were 4.2 times greater when armed†(Gun Violence). If people knew that it increases their risk of being killed then not very many people will carry a gun around. Mass shootings have been occurring more and more over the past few years †steadily declined between 1994 and 2007, rising betweenShow MoreRelatedWha t We Don t Know About Guns1317 Words   |  6 PagesAcademic Summary: In the article, â€Å"What We Don’t Know About Guns,† by Ted Alcorn discusses the common denominator in most gun related accidents. Last year at least 278 children accidently fired a gun and injured or killed someone. We found that the main problem for this is irresponsible gun storage. According to surveys about 15% of gun owning households with children store their guns unlocked and loaded. It is tracked that about two-thirds of all the unintentional child shootings came from the thoseRead MoreI.(Grabber) Guns Kill About 33.000 People Per Year In The1208 Words   |  5 PagesI. (grabber) Guns kill about 33.000 people per year in the United States, and 22,000 deaths are suicides while 11,000 are homicides. Guns also cause indiscriminate murders, mass shootings and other gun deaths related to America. While the Congress has imposed regulations to counter assault weapons, they have not properly prohibited individuals from getting guns. It remains clearly that despite th e efforts to close the loopholes of gun control, handguns still are highly responsible for most killingsRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Violence953 Words   |  4 Pages Gun Violence Guns have been is society for centuries. They have been used for hunting, war, and even safety. However, in the past several years they have begun to take the lives of many innocent victims, often young children. In response to the killings in Newtown, Conn., it has been noted, â€Å"If this were a country, the number of children killed by gun violence would violate international law.† (Browne-Marshall) F.B.I. data shows in 2011,Read MoreArgumentative Essay On Gun Control1321 Words   |  6 Pagesof their beloved ones. Politicians start debating on gun policy, again, arriving at no solution. This has been America’s reality for the past decades. The problem in which lobbyists and a dominant minority stop any attempt to find a solution. Dan Gross, as president of the Brady Campaign, is seeking to promote sensible gun control in the United States. Mr. Gross advocates for gun control and for laws that put a stop to the gun violence problem (Ted Talk). Another article by Tom McCarthy in The GuardianRead MoreGun Control Is A Topic That Has Created Many Discussions949 Words   |  4 PagesGun control is a topic that has created many discussions in the story to those who can carry them or not since the US is one of the countries where access to all individuals is allowed without the due restrictions. Because of this, every day is more devastating when we hear about a massacre. Unfortunately, America has become in a little time in the country that leads the list of countries where more violent success occurred due to what is happening to our society. America s gun problem is completelyRead MoreGun Control Laws And Better Education On The United States1376 Words   |  6 PagesDemand a Plan† have pop out against gun violence ; nearly one million Americans have signed on to the coalition s. The incidence of homicides committed with guns in the U.S. is greater than other developed countries. Every day of the year, an average of 33 Americans are killed with guns. The gun violence is violence which committed with use of a gun to committee illegal activities such as homicides or drugs trade . This phenomenon is not only affects guns dealers, but also the security andRead MoreThe Problem Of Gun Control1014 Words   |  5 Pageslargest issues being discussed today is how can we effectively control guns and limit, or eliminate, gun violence. There is a very large amount of solutions out there, some that are good and some that are not so good. The solutions I have found and will discuss in this paper have been proposed by Todd Miller of Huffington Post, Evan DeFilipps of Washington Post, and Matthew DesChamps of Stamford Advocate. The solutions these authors have proposed just do not solve this issue in the right wayRead MoreThe Problem Of The Gun Violence Problem1577 Words   |  7 PagesThe Gun Violence Problem There have been 46 school shootings so far this year, with an average of about one a week. This is an absolutely mind blowing statistic., Nno other countries in the world have such a major problem. (Carissimo). I aimed to pursue this broad problem, and to discover why the U.S. has such a problem with mass shootings. and I wondered if there a way to fix this permeating issue or will it continue to eat away at America. How many more lives will be lost until, we as a countryRead MoreArgumentative Essay On Gun Violence759 Words   |  4 Pages Upon reading the article, â€Å"What If We Treated Gun Violence Like A Public Health Crisis?† and watching the news every now and then, there are many major tragedies surrounding around us. It is absolutely scary, and only seems to be getting worse. The article starts off with the statement that, â€Å"More than 30,000 people a year are killed by gun violence,† making it clear just how serious the situation pertaining gun violence is (Kodjak, 2017, p. 1). Yet, this statistic does not even take into considerationRead MoreEssay on Gun Violence: Should We or Shouldnt We1207 Words   |  5 PagesGun Violence: Should We or Shouldn’t We? The issue of gun control has been a very important topic following the Sandy Hook Elementary School and Aurora, Colorado movie theater shootings just last year. We all feel compassionate for the families of these Americans whose lives were taken in the most horrifying way. We are all too familiar with the saying â€Å"guns don’t kill people, people kill people,† my goal is to find some validity to this statement. The most prevalent question is whether the problem

Monday, December 9, 2019

Case Study On Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility

Questions: 1.Which is the National Advertising Division's most important stakeholder, businesses or consumers? 2. Do you believe the BBB can be truly imparlial given its financial dependence on businesses? 3. What actions would you take to ensure an ethical misconduct disaster such as the pay-for-play scheme does not happen again? Answers: Executive Summary This report is mainly focused towards performing a critical analysis of the case of BBB with a view to evaluate the important aspects related to it. On the basis of performance of analysis of the given case, it has been assessed that BBB is mainly concerned with encouraging businesses to remain ethical in performing their practices. In relation to this, it offers ratings to businesses that act as a basis to consumers in judging their performance. However, the analysis as performed has mainly assessed the stakeholders of BBB and the performance of case analysis indicated that the most significant stakeholder is the consumers of businesses. The analysis also focused towards the impartiality of BBB in respect to its financial dependence on business, and the case analysis has indicated that it is highly difficult to BBB in remain impartial provided its financial dependence on its members. The functioning of BBB in an efficient manner can be ensured by way of its members because they prov ide necessary fees which are essential to it in running its operations. The assessment of important actions needed in ensuring that the ethical misconduct in the form of pay for play can be avoided leads to identification that there are various such actions that could be considered in ensuring that similar kinds of pay for play can be avoided in performing the business practices. Introduction This report involves a critical analysis of the case of Better Business Bureau (BBB) which has been a self regulatory trade association in US. An analysis as performed has indicates that the case is related to the activities that are carried out by BBB and the various major issues and litigations that are faced by it. A critical analysis of the case implies that an important chapter of BBB is the National Advertising Division (NAD) that is mainly focused towards evaluating the advertisements of other companies, and creates awareness within consumers with regard to any fraudulent practices within such advertisements of companies. BBB is mainly concerned with creating awareness within consumers of businesses regarding the ethical and unethical practices as performed by them so that they can remain safe from engaging into any kinds of fraudulent practices. This has been ensured by BBB through a complete check-up of the business practices in relation to their compliance with ethics and s ocial responsibilities and based on the assessment, necessary ratings are provided to them according to their performance. These ratings allow consumers in making objective decisions with respect to organisations performance (Jennings, 2003). This report is aimed at assessing the case of BBB by paying specific attention to certain major areas including an assessment of the National Advertising Divisions most important stakeholder. In addition to this, the analysis also assesses whether BBB can be truly impartial provided its financial dependence on businesses, and finally, an assessment would be carried out with respect to the actions that are essential in ensuring that the fraudulent practices in the form of pay for play scheme does not happen again. Based on the findings from the entire analysis, they will be concluded in the conclusion section of this report. Most Important Stakeholder of National Advertising Division (NAD) Stakeholders of an organisation are mainly those interested parties that are directly influenced by the actions undertaken by management within it. They are directly affected by the performance of the organisation and as such, they are highly crucial to them as well. In respect to the given case analysis, it has been assessed that NAD has been an important part of BBB which has been created for the purpose of monitoring the performance of advertisements as carried out by businesses. This particular NAD system as established also has certain major stakeholders for which it mainly exist. A critical assessment of the case indicated that the most significant stakeholder of NAD is mainly the consumers. This is mainly identified from the core purpose of NAD which has been to provide the consumers of businesses with sufficient details about the ways in which their business performs. The ethical and unethical practices especially in respect to their advertising initiatives are disclosed by N AD as a part of its responsibility which allows consumers in taking most efficient decisions regarding that particular business (Flynn, 2008). An analysis of the case of NAD indicates that the most significant beneficial from the services of the company is mainly its consumers. The consumers are benefitted from getting the reports over BBBs website with respect to the performance of their companies as to whether they are practising in an ethical manner. As the NAD division of BBB is completely working in a manner aimed at satisfying the consumers of businesses from the fraudulent practices as undertaken by them, the most important stakeholder can be regarded as the consumers. Businesses perform the advertising practices with a view to attract customers, and they often mislead information with a view to attract more and more consumers to buy their requirements for them. However, such misleading information as provided by such organisations to their consumers are regarded as unethical from the point of view of BBB and they should therefore be avoided completely. This NAD division of BBB assesses the advertising activities of businesses which allow it in making efficient decisions in educating consumers (Jindal-Snape and Hannah, 2014). Consumers are required to make efficient decisions with respect to their spending and they are greatly hurt when they are engaged in fraudulent practices of businesses. It is therefore essential that there should be appropriate measures aimed at protecting the interest of consumers and preventing them from engaging in fraudulent deceptions by businesses. NAD division of BBB is primarily engaged in such processes whereby it facilitates adequate level of information to consumers and thereby empowers them with the opportunity to make most relevant decisions that are free from fraudulent practices. Since the entire working of NAD is primarily towards ensuring the protection of consumers from the advertising practices of businesses, it can be said that the most important stakeholder of the company is therefore the consumers that consumes products and services as offered by businesses. However, an analysis of the need for advertising regulation on the part of businesses implies that it is highly essential that they should be regulated so that customers can be benefitted to the maximum extent possible. Advertising practices offer significant level of opportunities to businesses in entering into fraudulent practices in the form of consumer deception whereby the messages regarding the products and services of the businesses are presented in a manner aimed at deceiving consumers. Businesses often make significant level of claims regarding their products and services which are not always accurate and true. Such messages are aimed at deceiving consumers with a view to encourage them to make more and more of buying of the products and services as offered by businesses. As for example, businesses often makes claim that their products and services are superior as compared to their competitors, and these claims are made on unreasonable grounds. They are aimed at attracting c ustomers but at the same time, they are also regarded as highly unethical. Hence, NAD is primarily engaged in performing the management of advertisements by identifying any kinds of deception within it with a view to educate consumers (Giersson and Holmgren, 2000). As the analysis above indicates that the most significant stakeholder of NAD is consumers, but at the same time, the case analysis also indicated that businesses also plays an important role in respect to the services provision of NAD. This is mainly because the advertisements of businesses are mainly examined by NAD with a view to assess the involvement of ethics or unethical values in it. As a result, businesses also form a critical part of the services as offered by NAD. The case analysis also indicated that businesses are provided ratings based on their performance over ethical values and social responsibilities in respect to their advertising related practices. This rating by BBB is solely based on their performance conditions, and the businesses that adapt unfair means in influencing the consumers buying decisions are generally provided with lower grades by NAD. However, the case analysis indicates that NAD also provides sufficient opportunity to businesses in rectifying the er rors within their advertising campaigns so that they can categorise them as BBB accredited. The analysis above indicates that the main stakeholder of NAD is mainly the consumers of businesses because the services of NAD are primarily influenced by affecting the consumers interest towards the products and services of particular organisation. Their services are aimed at creating awareness within consumers regarding the advertisement effectiveness of businesses so that they can make better decisions. The analysis also indicated that businesses also account for playing a significant role in terms of the stakeholder of NAD because they are being rated based on their performance which affects their overall performance and brand image in front of their consumers (Trevio and Weaver, 2003). Impartiality of BBB Provided its Financial Dependence on Businesses An analysis of the case study indicated about the way in which BBB performs its operations. The company is primarily engaged in safeguarding the interest of its consumers by way of providing rating to businesses depending on their ethical and social performance. BBB encourages businesses to act in a socially responsible manner and also in acting ethically with respect to their practices. Businesses that are highly ethical and responsible with respect to their actions and initiatives are usually provided ratings by BBB and they can show the ratings on their website so that it makes it easy to them in convincing their customers. However, in providing such services whereby BBB rates businesses on the basis of their performance, it is essential that there should be certain sources of revenue generation to it. Businesses can survive by having adequate revenue from their operations (Trevio and Weaver, 2003). An analysis of the case of BBB indicates that the only way in which revenue is generated by the company is mainly through its membership feature whereby businesses seeking to get the ratings of BBB are required to become its member first. This signifies that BBB is also financially dependent on the businesses because the membership by businesses is the only source of revenue generation to the company. As this has been the only way in which survival of BBB is being ensured, the question of impartiality of BBB with respect to the rating services as provided by it is significant. The financial dependence of BBB on businesses led to my belief that BBB cannot be impartial in providing ratings to its customers i.e. the businesses. This is mainly because businesses that would subscribe the membership of BBB are likely to contribute positively in terms of certain fee to it. The fees as provided would cover up the costs that have to be incurred in reviewing the business practices in providing ratings to them (Bhatia, 2002). Businesses that would positively accept the membership of BBB are likely to get favourable treatment in terms of their ratings and this has been evident from the cases of companies in the past whereby members of BBB are claimed to get favourable ratings as compared to the non-members or non-subscriber to its services. As for example, the analysis of the case study indicates about the Ritz Carlton case and also with respect to some of the Pucks restaurant whereby it has been evaluated that BBB awarded higher grades especially to businesses that are accredited to it. Further, another similar example has been indicated in the case whereby it has been asserted that the members of BBB have asked businesses to become members of BBB in order to get higher grades. All these practices of BBB branches to encourage businesses in becoming its member clearly give an indication of the fact that impartiality in respect to the ratings as provided by it exists. Without revenue generation sources, it is highly difficult for an organisation to survive and this has also been evident in respect to BBB. The case analysis leads to identification that there are various important areas whereby impartiality has been noted especially in respect to the services as offered by BBB. The partiality has been noted especially in respect to the ratings as provided by BBB to businesses. Some of them have been lower rating despite there has been lower consumer complaints and faster resolution of few such complaints. However, other businesses have received higher ratings from BBB and this is particularly because of their membership with it. This signifies the direct level of impact of membership over the performance of BBB in terms of its ratings to other businesses. As a result, it can be concluded that BBB cannot be truly impartial based on its financial dependence on the membership as subscribed by businesses (Trevio and Weaver, 2003). Ethical Actions for Ensuring that Pay for Play Does not Happen Again This section of analysis is aimed at assessing the ethical actions that would be needed in ensuring that the ethical misconduct in the form of pay for play does not happen again. However, in order to analyse such ethical misconduct to happen never in the future, it is essential to understand such concept initially and this is followed by an identification of the ways in which it can be managed in a proper manner. An analysis of the case of BBB indicates that this ethical misconduct in the form of pay for play has been taken place and it mainly indicates a type of fraudulent practice whereby the organisation and individual pay for favourable treatment at the expense of other parties. This implies that favourable decisions are undertaken in respect to an organisation that is highly favourable and the others are not considered important. This has been a fraudulent practice from the point of view of treating organisations, and it indicates a partial treatment offered to an organisation. As in respect to the given case of BBB, there has been claim being made over the ratings provided by BBB whereby it has been claimed that the ratings are partially affected by the membership criterion. The members of BBB have received the favourable rating of A+ whereas others have struggled to make significant ratings. This indicates the existence of pay for play scheme in respect to BBB. However, this fraudulent practice has been carried out at BBB, it has adversely affected the brand image of the organisation. This type of fraudulent practice should be avoided so that they cannot affect the brand image of the organisation. In ensuring so, there are a range of ethical practices that are required to be undertaken. The major actions needed in order to ensure that similar kinds of misconduct do not happen again are briefly indicated as follows: 1. First of all, the branches that have been identified as performing this pay for play scheme should be stopped from performing again, and they should be closed down. This would act as a basis to other branches of the same organisation in not following the similar kinds of practices (Lavery, 2007). 2. Secondly, the action needed is mainly to eliminate the driving factor that becomes the primary reason driving BBB in considering pay for payment scheme. In the given case, membership fee is the main driving factor and it requires changes to the rating systems. As for instance, there should be ratings provided only to the members and the non-members should not be considered at all. This would reduce the chances of partial ratings on the part of company, and all the businesses would be rated without any kinds of discrimination (Badiou, 2002). 3. In addition to the above actions, the accreditation process should be reviewed by third parties so that there would be complete elimination of the fraudulent practices in the process can be ensured. The chances of applying pay for play scheme would reduce considerably from the consideration of third parties in the process of reviewing the accreditation process. 4. There is also a need to streamline the process with respect to receiving complaints so that there can be objective evaluation of the organisations processes in providing rating to them. This is also a crucial process that can be considered in ensuring that the pay for play scheme is restricted from occurrence. These are some of the major actions that are essential to be considered in ensuring that such kind of ethical misconduct is prohibited from occurrence and most objective decisions can be possible with respect to providing ratings to organisations on the basis of their performance. Conclusion In this report, a critical assessment has been carried out especially in respect to the case of BBB and the performance of case analysis has indicated significant level of findings in respect to the different important areas. The analysis initially focused towards assessing the important stakeholders of NAD and the performance of case analysis has indicated significant level of findings. It has been evaluated that the most critical stakeholder of NAD is mainly the consumers of businesses because the main purpose of NAD has been to protect the interest of consumers by way of providing them complete information with regard to ethical and unethical practices as practiced by them while performing advertising activities. Although the major stakeholder has been identified as consumers, yet an analysis indicates that businesses are also an important stakeholder of NAD, as the review of activities and ratings to them are provided based on their performance. Apart from this, it has also been evaluated that BBB cannot act in an impartial manner given its financial dependence on businesses. This is mainly because the fee from the membership businesses is crucial determining factor from the point of view of performing its operations. Finally, an assessment has been carried out with respect to the actions needed in ensuring that the pay for play scheme can be avoided and the performance of analysis indicated that there are various such actions that are required to be considered in ensuring that ethical misconduct can be prohibited from occurrence. References Badiou, A. (2002), Ethics: An Essay on the Understanding of Evil, Page 2, Verso. Bhatia, S.K. (2002), Business Ethics and Managerial Values: Concepts, Issues and Dilemmas in Shaping Ethical Culture for Competitive Advantage of Organisations, Deep and Deep Publications. Flynn, G. (2008), Leadership and Business Ethics, Springer Science Business Media. Giersson, H. and Holmgren, M. (2000), Ethical Theory: A Concise Anthology, Broadview Press. Jennings, M.M. (2003). The critical role of ethics: recent history has shown that when individual ethics are compromised, corporate ethics fail and financial disaster is not far behind. Internal Auditor, Vol. 60(6). Jindal-Snape, D. And Hannah, E.S. (2014), Exploring the Dynamics of Personal, Professional and Interprofessional Ethics, Policy Press. Lavery, J.V. (2007), Ethical Issues in International Biomedical Research: A Casebook, Oxford University Press. Trevio, L.K. and Weaver, G.R. (2003), Managing Ethics in Business Organizations: Social Scientific Perspective, Stanford University Press.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Literature - A Mirror Of Society Essays (1277 words) - Romanticism

Literature - a Mirror of Society The literature of a country is affected and influenced by how the people of that country live. This paper will prove that The French Revolution greatly influenced 19th Century French Romanticism. First, the cultural values of the revolution will be identified. Then, the different aspects of Romanticism will be presented. The cultural values of The French Revolution and Romanticism will then be linked. Finally, literary examples will be shown to support this connection between the two movements. Before the Revolution, the citizens of France lived in a strict, confined society with no freedom to express their feelings. Government had imposed strong, unfair laws on the common people (Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia ?French Revolution?). They wanted a voice in a stable government with a strong economy (Johnson 105) and a strong sense of individuality and independence within the people. (Moss and Wilson 180) Eighteenth- century literature was much like the society in which it was produced, restrained. Society was divided into privileged and unprivileged classes, (Leinward 452) with Eighteenth- century writers focusing on the lives of the upper class. (Thompson 857) These writers followed ?formal rules?(Thorlby 282), and based their works on scientific observations and logic (Thompson 895). The Revolution gave the common people and writers more freedom to express feelings and stimulated them to use reason. According to Thompson, The Revolution ?had a major impact on Nineteenth- Century European Life.? (895) It sent a strong wave of emotion and revival throughout France (Peyre 59). This lead to new laws and standards for the citizens, including newer, less imposing literary standards. Romanticism marked a profound change in both literature and thought. Romanticism, according to Webster's Dictionary, is defined as ?a literary movement (as in early 19th century Europe) marked especially by an emphasis on the imagination and emotions and by the use of autobiographical material.? Although this may be true, there is no single commonly accepted definition of Romanticism, but it has some features upon which there is general agreement. First, it emphasized upon human reason, feeling, emotion, and expression (Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia, ?Romanticism?) while emphasizing the love of nature, beauty, and liberty. (Leinward 528-529) Thompson defines Romanticism as ? a major literary and cultural movement? that was inspired by the imaginations, inner feelings, and emotions of the Romantics. (895) If one term can be used to describe the forces that have shaped the modern world, it is Romanticism. (Peyre, 2) Romanticism has had such a profound effect on the world since the late 18th century that one author has called it ?the profoundest cultural transformation in human history since the invention of the city.? (Compton's Encyclopedia, ?Romanticism?) Harvey and Heseltine state that ?The outstanding characteristic of 18th-century French literature had been attached to reason.... About the turn of the century.... literature became a matter of senses and emotions.? (633) They also say that the movement of Romanticism ?gave practical expression to the new spirit...? because it recognized that the bounds on literature were ?too rigid?. (634) There are many direct relations how the French Revolution influenced the French Romanticism that followed it in the Nineteenth- century. The French Revolution had a major impact on the timeline and progression of Romanticism. Vinaver states that ?Neither a revolt or a reaction, Romanticism was a revolutionary fulfillment... And this in turn explains why the European event known as the French Revolution is at once the climax [of Romanticism]...It's [French Revolution} date, 1789, conveniently divides the Pre- Romanticism [era] from the full flowering of the new culture.? (6) Romanticism starts in about 1774, but does not take off until the last decade of the 18th- century, the same time as the Revolution. The French Revolution provided for many of the problems and basis for many Romantic literary works. First of all, the political change brought by the Revolution, along with the intellectual reverberations brought upon Romanticism. (Harvey and Heseltine 634) Also, Thompson states that ? [Romanticism was] shaped by the ideals of the French Revolution.? (895) Finally, Vinaver declares that the Revolution served as ?a great source of the problems and tendencies of Romantic proper.? (6) The Revolution also inspired many writers to write romantically. Peyre points this out when